About PACT
PACT Consultancy is a leading firm and synergy of expertise and experience in development consulting. Over the past years, PACT has conducted Monitoring/ Assessment, Evaluation & Learning; Program/ Project Development & Assessment; Socio-economic Studies & Development; Technology Consulting; Market Assessments & Value Chain Analysis; Poverty Reduction & MSME Development; as well as Peace Building & Conflict Management for more than 50 projects for reputable national and international development partners.
The Company was established in 2005 by its founders who participated in the peace negotiations and co-authored the Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) reports. PACT founders realized that peace can only be sustained through development and hence responded to the great need for a professional national consulting firm, to plan and implement the development projects called for in the JAM reports. PACT experts are intimately familiar with Sudan’s complex political and social issues as well as its unique development context.
PACT assists governments, private sector institutions, non-governmental organizations and multi-lateral and bi-lateral agencies to develop and implement innovative and workable solutions to complex problems.
PACT’s clients include: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); The World Bank (WB); United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); World Food Program (WFP); International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR); UN Women; International Organization for Migration (IOM); Japan Agency for International Development (JICA); British Council; Central Bank of Sudan; Microfinance Institutions; Sudan Peace Development Project (SPDP); State Governments; and International NGOs, among others.
PACT Consultancy Uganda and PACT Consultancy Rwanda are associate companies that spun off PACT Consultancy (Sudan) in 2018. Both associate companies are part of PACT’s regional core footprint with intimate familiarity and experienced in the respective country’s development context.